Production Control
Good performace needs Disease-Control. However, the actual disease in the field never shows simple figure. The mutated and complicated type of diseases look significantly different from the ones described in the textbook, and they show peculiar symptoms.
Addditionally, Antibody-titres are influenced by many vaccinations. That means it is hardly possible to dignose based on High-Titre of some pathogen.
PPQC screens anitibody titre of main infectious pathogen (Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis,Infectious Bursal Disease, Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, Infectious Coryza, Egg-Drop-Syndrom,etc) for all flocks sequentially. Serial Data indicate real figure of the disease.
In the case which is so complicated that is unable to diagnose by routine test, pathological, immunopathological and genetical (PCR,PFGD) tests can be applied.
Our new informations are contributed to Veterinary and Food Journals.
PPQC has the motto "Field is always foregoing and teaches us truth".