Feed Quality Control
Monitoring of Salmonella Enteritidis in feeds: The research at our laboratory found for the first time in the field that feeds are the considerable factors as the sources of the transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis to chickens. Salmonella Enteritidis is regarded as SE, the most hazardous form among various kinds of Salmonella which induces food poisoning (our current president Kazutoshi Shirota received Ph.D. from Yamaguchi University on the basis of our research. Please see the part of references in pictures 5 and 6). We are proud that the series our research and public awareness activities have helped reduced the contamination of Salmonella in the feeds significantly.
It is a general acknowledgement that maintaining chickens and feeds in healthy and good condition is the first priority, though in reality, the operation of strictly screening feeds that are supplied every day is generally not sufficient. To tackle this issue, we examine the contamination level of bacterium in the feeds promptly as much as possible by picking up 1kg per lot in accordance with the requirements of our clients. In doing so, we test 100g of feeds per sample based on the quantity of chicken’s daily feed-take, rather than using 25g for each sample, the amount recommended by the general regulation, to sustain the reliability of data.
Testing the level of amino acids in Feeds: It is the management principle for farms to produce the best eggs by applying the minimum ideal amount with the appropriate contents of feeds. Testing the level of amino acids contained in feeds often indicates whether each of the flocks that our clients raise maintains the best performance for production.
PPQC supports our clients to know the level of their feed quality from the objective point of view by concurrently providing, analyzing and comparing the measured figures of amino acids contained in feeds.